New Analysis Views enhancements are coming to Business Central Wave 2 (Oct 2024)
Here are my findings after doing a quick test:
Taking on Kennie‘s challenge, I tested the new Ad-hoc Analysis:
Follow these steps to import the new queries into Business Central:
– Go to and download the new Ad-hoc analysis queries
– Make an extension and upload it into your Business Central environment (thanks Dave)
– There are 3 new Ad-hoc Analysis: Fixed Assets, Projects, and Service.
1️⃣ First, I built an “standard” Analysis View in FA Ledger Entries to have is for comparison.
2️⃣ Secondly, I opened the new Fixed Assets Ad-hoc Analysis and tried to break it 😊
Here are my findings:
1️⃣ Ah-Hoc Analysis has almost all FA related data in one page, so you can build complex reports. Almost any report!
2️⃣ Subgroups have no Totals, at least not labeled as such. Still, each group has a header that shows the total amount.
3️⃣ Total Row field is also missing, so there is no record count
4️⃣ Sorting on Row Groups colapses the report to the respective Row Group.
For example, if I sort on FA Posting Group, the report will only show Class Code and FA Posting Group
5️⃣ Sorting on any other field, sometime will collapse the report to the lowest level Row Group, sometimes not…. I just could not figure out the patern.
6️⃣ Sorting is also reseting the size of the Column section back to default.
* Use the three horizontal lines (on any column) to resize the entire report:
– Autosize all Columns – extends all columns so you can see all labels
– Autosize all Columns to Fit – extends the report to cover the entire page.
Kennie Would be good having these in the next release:
– Move Excel Export button to the ribbon. Now you can only find it by accident or by reading Michelle‘s blog:
– Format the output in Excel
Conclusion: despite minor issues with sorting (easily solvable by Wave 2 release), Ad-hoc queries are enhancing an already powerful reporting tool.