Start off your Dynamics 365 Journey on the right foot

Starting an ERP implementation is a significant step for any business. Regardless of whether you are a vendor or a customer, answering the questions of Who?, What?, When?, and How Much? is crucial for the overall success of the project.

Quite often, the selection of an ERP solution is a long sequence of demo sessions, every vendor presenting similar features while aiming to could give you the ‘wow factor’.

What if the finding the right ERP could be done differently, so at the end, you’re centain the decision is objective and the solution is indeed the best fit for your business?

1️⃣ Degree of Fit Diagram – What Solution to Implement

While no ERP system can meet every need and want, compiling a 𝐝𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 helps the business to identify which solution best satisfies their most critical needs.

2️⃣ High-Level Scope – Define What’s Included

Not everything can be done at once, so prioritising business requirements using the MoSCoW method helps everyone understand what are the business priorities and sets the project boundaries.

Assemble the high level scope into a Conceptual Design, this way, everyone knows what to expect and how to support the project.

3️⃣ Estimated Timeline – When is the Start and When is the End

Based on the scope complexity, resource availability, other competing projects, the project schedule lists key phases and activities and determines when each will be executed.

4️⃣ Compile a Statement of Work – Who’s doing what and How Much it Costs

Almost there! Everything is compiled into a Statement of Work that outlines tasks, deliverables, timelines, and expectations, so both parties have a clear understanding of what is required and how the project will be executed. Of couse, a key component is the budget needed to deliver the project.

Good Job! Now you have the right framework to select the right solution and kick off the project.

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